What is a DDP?

Many clients ask me what is a DDP and more specifically whether or not it’s something that they need.what is a ddp

A DDP (digital description protocol) is a format used by most disc replication plants to create copies of an album. The DDP is generally created by the mastering engineer and is the final step in the audio production chain before it’s sent off to be replicated and distributed.

In addition to the audio itself, all of the relevant data is included to ensure an album is copied onto a disc without issue. The DDP is made up of typically four files: the Audio Image (.DAT file), DDP Identifier (DDPID), DDP Stream Descriptor (DDPMS), and a Subcode Descriptor (PQDESCR). Some engineers also include a text file which gives the titles and timings for the tracks.

Refer to my latest mastering rates section to see my current rate if you’re interested in a CD release for your mastered music and need a DDP.

What I Need to Make a DDP

Want a DDP? Great, but I (the mastering engineer) need a bit of information from you (the artist) before I can proceed. This information includes:

    • Album Title
    • Tracklist/Track Names
    • Performer/Artist Name, Songwriter Name, Composer Name, Arranger Name (typically all the same person)
    • Individual Track ISRC Codes (see how to get ISRC codes)
    • Album UPC Code (see how do I get a UPC code)
    • Any other notes you have for me (how tracks should flow into each other, space between tracks, etc.)

DDP Info Template

I’ve compiled all of the info I need from you into a straightforward Excel or Text file which you can download below.

Download (right click and save as), fill out the template, then send it back to me with any additional notes (if any) such as how you want tracks to flow into each other, space between tracks, etc. at tony@musicguymastering.com.

Music Guy Mastering DDP Template (Excel File)

Music Guy Mastering DDP Template (Text File)

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